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Monday, January 2, 2012

Pen and Ink Official New Year's Resolutions

Sue Berger
Everybody makes them. Here are ours:

Sue's Resolutions
1) I resolve to work with orphaned manuscripts (my own.)
2) I will write down all my passwords and put them in a new safe place.
3) I will remember I am enough and that I am capable of good writing.
4) I will give up eating Hilde's cookies. (NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!)
5) I will visit more blogs on a regular basis.

Lupe Fernandez
Lupe’s Resolutions
I Hereby Resolve to:
1) Use adjectives advisedly.
2) Never misplace running through a crowded intersection with a modifier.
3) Learn the difference between a fleeting simile and a smiling like metaphor.
4) Always possess my noun's with my apostrophe's.
5) Can do where I can not with a can opener.

Hilde Garcia
Hilde’s Resolutions
1) I will visit Pen and Ink once a week.
2) I will write a post for our blog every week.
3) I will try to do one and two.
4) I will not give up baking my cookies.
5) I will think of a new idea for a book while my book is being read.

Kris Kahrs
Kris’ Resolutions to be broken, mended, ripped to pieces and carefully pasted back together with tape, spit and good intentions:
1) I resolve to be kind to myself that I did not again find that coffee shop with wi-fi to work in on my lunch hour to finish the blog post that I have promised my co-writers for the 100th time to the nth power.
2) I promise to forgive myself for the failure to only get through 34 of the 79 items on my to-do list, including blog post, revisions, proposals and treatments.
3) I will endeavor to support myself better than Spanx to push forward through the laundry, shopping, day job and find a space to write.
4) I will honor my writing by allocating my too-little resources (time, money, energy) to it and keep the faith by knowing I will find a way to do this.
5) I will realize that being able to put two words together in a dynamic, coherent fashion in any language is a gift, not a burden, and thank (insert deity of choice) daily that I can do this.

Happy New Year, everyone. Remember to love and forgive yourself.


  1. Great post everyone! Happy New Year to you all, and best wishes for all of your resolutions.

  2. Yeah, Pen and Ink rockin' into 2012!

  3. And continue to inspire! Happy New Year back at you!

  4. And I plan to bring more beautiful interviews ..if it be!
    and think of new stories that might get published!

  5. I plan to get a shave.
    Beardful in Barstow

  6. I resolve to not make resolutions that are virtually impossible to keep, meaning those usually broken by January 2nd---which would be today. So, here goes:

    1. Exercise somewhere between three and seven times a week.
    2. Do some kind of networking daily if I am within reach of my computer.
    3. Give myself some creative time daily but look for results weekly (blog posts, humor articles, rhymes, Deacon News notes, Scout News notes.
    4. Do something daily, even if small acts of progress, toward promotion and marketing.
    5. Write at least two blog posts each week.
    6. Participate daily in the Writer's Digest Poem A Day Challenge during National Poetry Month in April.
    7. Write at least two new children's manuscripts in 2012.
    8. Finish the final edits on at least two of my manuscripts currently in the pipeline for publication in 2012.
    9. Finish the writing and seek publication of a book of nostalgic essays in 2012.
    10. Revise resolutions as needed to maintain sanity.

  7. This is a great post--made me laugh and nod my head in agreement! My main resolutions?

    1. Write, write, write
    2. Market, market, market
    3. Write some more

  8. Great goals! I knew I had to check out your blog when I saw Abs of Aluminum's comment at the Green Bathtub about resolving to be an International Literary Sex Symbol. :)

  9. I feel a great sense of relief now that we've crossed the great divide of making New Year's resolutions. Now all we have to do is plod forward, on the brutal path of trying to fulfill them.

  10. Have to agree with Sue's first three resolutions! But I don't make them now - I 'just' try and keep to a few goals, mainly about finishing work already started (some of it years ago).

  11. Dear Ms. Simon,
    Senor Abs of Aluminum says you have good taste.
    The Management

  12. Oh Sue, why are you the cutest person around? And Lupe ::shaking head::

    You guys are awesome.

  13. You guys are amazing! I love the different resolutions you've come up with and look forward to watching you complete them!!

    HAPPY 2012!

  14. >>2) I will write down all my passwords and put them in a new safe place. <<

    This one's on my to-do list, too, Sue. (I'm not making resolutions this year.) :-)

  15. Back at ya guys! My New Year's Resolutions include: eating less, writing more. Nough said.

  16. But what happens when the site forces you to change your password?

  17. email the new password to yourself immediately.
    Keep a file folder for passwords. Call the file folder something fun like George's stuff (providing your name is not George)
    Then try to remember what you called the file....

  18. I am so happy to have found this blog. Your resolutions made me laugh, ponder, and want to go make cookies.

  19. Annie,
    We're happy you're happy.
    Please make cookies.
    California Is Lovely This Time of Year

  20. Very inspirational -- I will resolve to visit Pen and Ink regularly (the other four resolutions are strictly between me and the cats).

  21. Very nice resolutions. I like making resolutions each year, but I also tend to keep the bar low so I don't disappoint myself too much. Good luck and happy new year to all.

  22. Terrific resolutions! Wising you all the best in the New Year! (oh, and I totally laughed at the How to Navigate a Writer's Social post!)

  23. Dear Nina,
    We shall alert Our Mexican-In-Residence that you enjoyed his Navigation post. He response will be "Well, of course, Nina has good taste."
    The Management


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