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Monday, March 19, 2012

The Writer’s To-Do List

by Kris Kahrs

The editors here at The Pen and Ink Blog, knowing that this intrepid reporter is a hale and hearty veteran of the war on organization, approached me and asked for an informative piece for all of our SCBWI compadres in arms out there who are looking for a sane way to get through their next NA-NO-NI-NA-NI marathon.  They know how hard it is to keep organized when you’ve got 5 manuscripts on your desk, all in varying stages of completion, and so much laundry that you need a Sherpa guide to find your bed, and a 20-lb. desk cat on your lap, who is not going anywhere until he gets another can of frisky delish.

This is not that piece.  Instead, I thought I would share my own writer’s To-Do list from yesterday, in the hopes that it will inspire Martha-Stewart-like urges of compulsive neatness and neurotic arranging of your socks in a hand painted egg carton.   In the luxurious two minutes I had while brushing my teeth this morning, I located my To-Do List safely tucked away under said 20-lb. desk cat who needs glasses and thought I would share with you all.  Prepare to be amazed.


  1. Dear goodness. I don't like the -ly and -ing so much. I like using them so much.
    This is cute!

    1. Hi Anonymous--We're glad you like the piece. I had a lot of fun writing it. You can see my dilemna, can't you? Hmmmmmm, working on manuscript or eating tiramisu......somebody get me a spoon!

  2. Obviously you are overwhelmed. Suggest getting rid of the accountant

    1. Done and done. I feel more productive already. Hmmmmm, what else can I dump around. Ahhhhh! I know the vacuum cleaner, and the kitchen sink. I know! The dishwasher.....

  3. Those pesky ly and ing they drive me crazy. Thank goodness for search. I wouldn't get rid of the accountant, can't imagine doing the taxes myself!

    1. Hi Donna-- Luckily for me, this year, Sue is my new accountant! How's that for multi-tasking! Now I feel like I can do anything. I think next I will tackle removing all of the 'just' words from my ms.

  4. Hmmm....I've got a similar 20 lb. cat problem here...and he never goes outside!

    1. Did we tell you about the new Pen & Ink Blog promotion? A free kitten with every comment submitted here. Yours is on your doorstep now. He likes sardines.

    2. Meow...meow...sniff...sniff...scratch...scratch...

  5. That was great! I think we must be related.

    1. Annie--

      So glad you liked the piece. Y'know what they say, 'great minds think alike'.

  6. Looks very similar to my list! Only I added register kids for soccer, figure out what to make for dinner, and edit, edit, edit!

    1. If only I could get to the write, write, write part! I'd be so happy to edit, edit, edit.

  7. I couldn't even function unless my list looked like that. I have a million of those, and can grab them whenever I want. If there were a place for everything, I would never get anything done, for trying to put everything in it's place.

    In my mind I picture it under the place mat , or bent and scrunched in the pocket of my black hoodie. Or, In the box of desk things sitting next to the desk I cleaned out last month. I always seem to find what I need in my comfy chaos. I loved this post. You can keep the cat. Meowing is an -ing word.

    1. You're so right Susan. I'm trying to embrace Chaos Theory in my new approach...just keep the disaster moving forward.

  8. No wonder the cat is 20 lbs. How many times did you feed it? Glad to see there are no house chores on your list.

    1. Sally--Stay tuned. I have a blog post coming up in 2 weeks about the hottest thing in writer accessories and it's, you guessed it, The Desk Cat! Thanks for being a fan!

  9. How on earth could you cross off brownies!? That's the only necessary one on the list! (Unless it's crossed off because you did it, which is okay.) ;)

    1. Kathy-- *sob* I will never be able to show my face again at a writer function.

      Thanks for sharing in the fun.


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