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Monday, July 16, 2012

Moon Musings

Monday July 16th.
 I went to our Blog and realized we had no new post.

I am in the throes of rewriting my adult time travel romance; Kris wrote the last post; Lupe is in the throes of moving (sob), and Hilde is studying for her exams and running three children. So I guess it's me...

Do you ever have trouble finding something to blog about?, When I do I go to my wacky holiday sources. Brownielocks and Holiday Insights

I was dismayed to realize I had missed National Ice Cream Day. I already knew National Chocolate Day was July 7th as I had done two previous posts on it. We have a critique group meeting tomorrow. Perhaps a belated celebration of these two holidays is in order for group snack? Hmmm...

I was also desolate to know Chick Fil A's cow appreciation day (dress like a cow and get a free sandwich) had passed me by.

Nothing on July 16th really appealed to me. Then I realized that July 20th is Moon Day.

On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong stepped off a ladder saying, "One small step for a man, One giant leap for mankind."

 For all of you that are too young to remember, that was an awesome moment.  Science Fiction came true.  Only in a more bizarre fashion that any Sci Fi writer ever dreamed of.

Many Sci fi writers wrote about landing on the moon. No one wrote about landing on the moon as watched by the entire world on television as brought to you by Tang – The Drink of the Astronauts and Brillo- the better scouring pad. (You could write in for your free Brillo Moon Map). But that’s what really happened.

That was forty three years ago.

In the 1950's every comic book had an ad where you could sign up to take a trip to the moon. I don't think that anyone thought we would get all the way to 2012 without a luxury hotel on the moon and regular civilian transport there.

In the 1950’s and 60’s, proposals were being made for a nuclear pulse propulsion system that could carry huge spacecraft across the solar system in a matter of weeks  It involved technology that was completely feasible sixty years ago.  Nobody ever pursued it. So why? What happened? Why are we not settling planets in other galaxies?

  In my time travel book, Second Chances, one of the characters gives this answer.

“Maybe it was the mysterious “Guardians of Outer Space.” Maybe they hypnotized the entire human race to keep us out of the game. Maybe they didn’t want such warlike creatures as us on the loose in the universe.”

It's as good an answer as any.

 If you would like to read a story about the Moon Colonization, I recommend two by the Dean of Science Fiction, Robert Heinlein.
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, written for adults and The Rolling Stones, written for a younger audience.  (The links are to the free PDF.)

Back to Holidays.  Today's post was supposed to be written by Hilde.  However today is National Get Out of the Doghouse Day, so Hilde, you are forgiven.

(I just spoke to Hilde and Victoria came down with strep yesterday so Hilde lost  four hours.  For all you mom writers, I promise you things DO get better and, with a little bit of luck, you may even get grandchildren.)


  1. My grandfather was thrilled when the first rocket went to the moon because the science fiction (by Jules Verne) he'd read in his youth during the 1800s was actually coming true.

    If we had money to spare perhaps more would be spent on space travel, but that's not likely to happen soon.

  2. Here I'm singing you all a song. "Would ya like ta swing on a starrrrr, and carry moon beams home in a jarrrrr." I know, I have a great imaginary voice.LOL Thanks for the post Susan. It brought back memories.

    1. Now you've got me singing it. Thanks for the comment, fellow Susan.

  3. Memory Lane, and how! And, Jan, my grandfather said the same thing! Said he was so grateful to have seen such a thing in his lifetime...Thanks for the post, Sue. It was marvelous to read!

    1. You are most welcome, Nancy. Thank you for commenting.

  4. "Lupe in in the throes of moving (sob)"
    Hasn't he left yet? What a attention whore.
    Puritan Peer

    1. No. We had the joy of his presence at the meeting last night where we finalized plans for our SCBWI conference adventure.

  5. Hi Susan, I remember sitting on the bed with friends watching the moon landing, feeling awed, a part of history, all things were possible. Elsewhere young men were fleeing to Canada to avoid the draft, or training for Vietnam. It was the best and worst of times, wasn't it?

    1. It certainly was. Since much of Second Chances is set in July and August, 1969 in Los Angeles and November 1969 in London, I have been doing a lot of research which has brought back dso many wonderful memories.

  6. I realize how lucky I am to have witnessed that moment on television. My mother dragged me to watch it and I'm so glad she did. Wonderful post Sue! Thanks for covering us.

    1. I bet this is Kris. You're welcome. Glad it brought back a good memory.

  7. This is great! You really do a wonderful Seuss!


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