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Monday, November 3, 2014

Dispatch #29: Time Travel

by Lupe Fernandez

This is a well-worn and well written subject in science fiction and fantasy literature with many conventions and paradoxes. So here’s my contribution. Facebook. Yes. Facebook. I do recall a YA novel that uses Facebook as a time travel device. But my story is real.

Sort of. I graduated from Sunset High School in Hayward CA in 1980. Thirty four years ago. Recently, alumni have been having a virtual reunion on Facebook. Comments about “hey remember when...” or “Whatever happened to…” or “what’s that fun…” and many oaths of fealty and promises of meeting. Whenever I look at their faces, aged though they may be, I see a time machine. I remember these people as they were, or rather as I observed them. I don’t know them today. I don’t know what forces, what emotional changes, what psychic wounds changed them, molded their political, spiritual and any other kind of attitudes.

I’m naive. I expected them to share my flaming liberal views. When I read comments of a conservative bend, I wonder “wait? Is this the person who smoked in the quad, made out on the band bus, drank copious amounts of liquor, picked a fight, dressed fashionable, danced salaciously…you get the idea. See, I’m naive.

I didn’t know them even when I was in school with them. I saw only the surface. I didn’t even know my own mind. It was too cluttered with regret, anger, longing, loneliness, lust, quizzes, homework, Corn Flakes, white bread, science fiction books and girls.

Now zoom across the decades, past Ronald Reagan, the Cold War, The Commies, New Wave, Grudge, OJ, Space Shuttle, 9/11, computers, Blackberries, Star mail, the Internet, DVDs, apartments, UCLA Extension, query letters, SCBWI, marriage, daughters, cats, etc…

I could not have foreseen that my wife was in my journalism class. That her maid of honor would be her best friend. That I would be related by marriage to a football player in biology class. That said football player’s son would date my stepdaughter in high school. That another alumnus would be an elementary teacher for my nephew. That another alumnus would officiate my marriage. That I would live in the shadow of Mt. Diablo with a million dollar view.

I am rich in memories. I still dream about high school. I’m late. I don’t know what class I’m supposed to be in. An important assignment is due, but I can’t remember what it is. When I’m awake, I still have unanswered questions about high school. Why did my first girlfriend break up with me after a week? Yes, I’ve written about this before. I still don’t have an answer.

I could list names of the Class of 1980, but they would be foreign to most readers. Yet, to me, their names are pregnant with a moment, a song, a noise and regret.

I’ve covered all the four basic food groups of high school. Girls. Class. Homework. Cafeteria. What this post needs is sensory detail, so now a paragraph of memory, back in time. 

I’m in line at lunch. Trays clatter. Stainless steel lids clang over heated lunch trays. It’s Sloppy Joes. Ground beef cooked in tomato sauce with spices. I’m a few people down from a marching band trombone player. He slides his tray in front of his ex-girlfriend serving behind the counter. Her plastic gloves crinkle as she hands him his lunch. He looks blankly at her. She won't look at him, thinking of what they were, what might have been and what they are now.


  1. Every time I think your writing can't get better, you outdo yourself. Thank you. Where can I get that shirt?

    1. Susan,
      The image disappeared. Somebody when back in time and prevented it's creation.
      Clockwork Wage

  2. Terrific post. Brought back fond memories of my high school years too. Graduated 1985. Seems like yesterday and at times a life time ago.

    1. Dear Donna,
      Yesterday is Today.
      Tomorrow is out to lunch.
      Bag N' Box

  3. I loved this post! It brought back so many memories. In fact, it was full of good, bittersweet, and yes, bad story ideas that I wish I could erase from my mind.

    1. Deb,
      Holy playback, I wish I could can decisions made in ignorance. For instance, asking my future wife out for a date. Shucks!
      Most Likely to Watch TV

  4. Hi Lupe, thanks for this post. My high school memories are so fragmented because I went to a different high school after my freshman year. We didn't know then how disruptive that would be--to not be with the kids you went through elementary and junior high. Might it have been better if I'd stayed at my first high school, where my brother was a track star and soccer player, probably. But it didn't happen that way. So I have a fragmented high school experience with fragmented memories. Thanks for the reminder of how life changes us. Penny (www.penelopeannecole.com)

    1. Penelope,
      Sound like my clarinet playing. Fragmented. I blew a good note here and there, but otherwise I squeaked.
      Split Reed

  5. Simply wonderful. Can I buy a ticket on your Time Travel machine? Much more fun, and safer than that Branson junket! I always knew the right words,in the right place, at the right time, would ring loud bells. . . and you just proved it!!

    Books for Kids - Manuscript Critiques

    1. Margot,
      Thanks for reading. I would sign up in a suborbital second to fly on Virgin Galactic's Space Ship.
      Space Nutty


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