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Monday, October 24, 2016

Writers and Readers

by Victoria Krol

Hi guys! I’m back. I went to a local author’s showcase at the Buena Vista Branch Library. I met lots of people, but unfortunately I ran out of time so I didn’t interview everyone (I suppose that’s what I get for sleeping through half of it).

The first author I interviewed was Michele Ramos and her book was about learning the colors, with a bear named Strizie. Her website is www.bearigworld.com.
The  next author I talked to was Cheryl Holt. I think I might have interviewed her last year. Her books are all Romance and I said I would have to wait a little before I read those. She also said that she was the best author and that made me laugh. I think I sounded a little flustered.

After Cheryl, I questioned Jane DiLucchio. http://www.janedilucchio.com/

 Her books sound really suspenseful. They were Murder Mysteries.  I think I shivered as she gave me the plot of one.

Katherine Jeffries had some really interesting things to tell too. Her books were Thrillers with Romance.  
After that, I took a little break from the Center of the room and moved to the left side. Here, I met Kaaron Williams and her books were on Cruises. They are tips for the best cruise experience.

Then, I jumped from the very front of the left side to the very back right. Here I met Jen Klein, Sarah Vance-Tompkins, E.V Fairfall, Candance Jane Kringle, and Elizabeth Marks. Jen Klein’s book was a Buffy vampire/ Veronica jones type of thing. Her website is http://jenkleinbooks.com/books/

Sarah Vance-Tompkins book was called Kisses on A Paper Airplane. I believe she put it like this “ 1 ginger pop star +  1 shy actress + 1 international flight = 1 perfect first kiss” .  Her website is www.sarahvancetompkins.com.

E.V. Fairfall was showcasing two books. They were both on split personality disorder. Waking Gabriel and Sleeping Tom.  Basically, Gabriel during the day was really mean and cruel and during the night he turned into Tom, a really sweet, kind-hearted boy. It sounded really good. She also mentioned to me Book tube. Book tube is a YouTube site where people post videos about their books. It was really cool and I checked it out. E.V. Fairfall’s channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/booktubecouple

Candace Jane Kringle’s book is a memoir on “her” life as a High school-er at North Pole High and her adventures of dating a boy on the Naughty List. Twitter account is: @CandycaneClaus Here is her Goodreads link. https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6477195.Candace_Jane_Kringle

Elizabeth Mark’s book was about growing up in Armenia in World War I.

Now, I jumped around a lot. I went from the bottom right to Sue’s table and interviewed Lilly Rowe and Joel Guerrero. They had created a book of poems that were full of courage. Joel Guerrero illustrated them and Lilly Rowe wrote them. The drawings were really nice.

Then I went to Zenobia Neil and I don’t think she realized that I cared about what she wrote and she only gave me the title: Cupid and Psyche.  

Next to Zenobia, I met Leanne Hansen. These books were Ghost Stories and Romance. I thought that was cool, how she tied in Romance to Ghosts.

Then I went to Bill Scollon and he gave me some information on his Disney books. He had  a biography on Walt Disney and some books on Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters

Stephen McCarthy’s books were spy novels and a few on Road trips. I thought it was interesting on how he had such a variety of books and he was able to write them even though he had vastly different published works.

Now I went to the other side of the room and talked to David Davis,  Adrienne Childers, and  Leandra Chergey.  David Davis published a biography on Duke Kahanamoku. He also had a 1984 Olympic picture album. I thought that was pretty amazing. I would have stayed longer looking at the photos, but they announced there was only 20 minutes left, so I had to hurry. 

Adrienne Childers had written a book called Dear Deer.  We were talking and I told her what I liked to do and such. As I left her table, she noticed my moose pencil. She called me back over. She asked me if I had a deer pencil topper. It was a moose I told her, but moose are cousins of the deer.  She asked me If I liked to read. Me, being me said yes. Then, she proceeded to surprise me very much so. She gave me a FREE  AND SIGNED BOOK! I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. She took a picture of my Moose and me with the book.

I proceeded to run over to Sue and show her. She was equally excited.  The book was about a deer who had decide to hang out near the character’s house. At first it stayed far away but it gradually came closer. There was real pictures in there too. 

Leandra Chergey’s book was about a journey with Autism. This interested me because I had recently read M.J.’s  A Boy Called Hopeless. She was handing out bracelets that had wish charms on them and the legend was that when the string frayed and the cord snapped in two, your wish came true.

I put mine on, but sadly it came off two days later due to football practice. I still think that my wish will come true without the bracelet. My face lit up when Leandra told me of the Legend.

The library announced that the showcase had ended.  The last two authors I interviewed were Sisan McNeil  and Joshua Henaman.

 Sisan McNeil is an interviewee. I interviewed her last year. She actually remembered me. She has one new book coming out in 2017 about Western segregation.

Joshua Henaman made a graphic novel about Bigfoot with a broadsword. He told me that there was a piece of NASA footage that showed a blurry image of something on Mars. Word got out and people started saying that there was “bigfoot on mars”. I thought this was incredibly funny. He told me to google bigfoot on mars. I have been busy but I am planning on checking it out soon.


  1. Victoria,
    Thanks for the summary of the author event. Bigfoot on Mars? Hmmm...that would explain the crash of Europe’s Schiaparelli lander.

  2. What is the crash of Europe's Schiaparelli lander?

    1. The European Space Agency sent a probe to Mars and the lander, called Schiaparelli, was supposed to touchdown on the Martian surface last week. The ESA lost contact 50 seconds before the lander's expected touchdown.

      Could it be Bigfoot doesn't like being spied on?
      Saquashing Squash

  3. Great job, Victoria. I am so impressed with your dedication, and your writing style. Please write more!

  4. Thanks Sue. Might submit some poetry i am working on for a school gathering.


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