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Monday, April 16, 2012

Desk Cat:
The Ultimate in Writing Accessories

by Kris Kahrs

Fashionable trends rarely escape our notice here at The Pen and Ink Blog and when we were recently gifted with a store model of the hottest new thing to hit the writing world since the pencil sharpener – well, we could hardly hold our water.  (Except for Lupe, of course, who realizes these breathy pieces are his cross to bear.)  Dear Reader, I am talking about the Desk Cat, of course!

These fabulous pieces of four-footed, furry, feline fun come in a multitude of designer colors, shapes and sizes. I am told by the Desk Cat manufacturer, Cat In A Box Inc. that we have Jimmy Choo to thank for the stunning compact shape.  I also understand that the company’s goal this year is to put a Desk Cat on every writer’s desk by the end of 2012.  An ambitious goal indeed, considering the piles of manuscripts, books and computer hardware that clutter up our writing areas on a daily basis.

The company’s claims about the Desk Cat seem almost too good to be true.  They claim that Desk Cat can relieve stress, act as a paperweight and reduce your heating bill.  This consumer reporter admits to being a bit skeptical after hearing all of the product’s claims.  After all, how many products designed for writers can provide health benefits, be an office supply and be ‘green’ at the same time?  So, when we received our free sample, Pickles, naturally I wanted to be the first to try the product out and I am thrilled to report to our writing brethren that the Desk Cat product actually does perform as advertised.

The Pickles model came in a bold orange-y color and while not the color I would have chosen for myself, did coordinate nicely with my iphone case. Pickles issued a pleasing, whirring sound which I could not locate until I checked the user manual and found out that our model came with a ‘purring box’ already installed.  I couldn’t find the batteries so how it works is anyone’s guess. Immediately upon opening the box, Pickles promptly jumped on my desk and proceeded to hold down every available bit of paper! In the interest of disclosure, we did receive the newest and largest – 20 lb.—size.  However, no one will be able to find fault with the sheer enthusiasm with which Pickles engaged in his duties. As for the cost savings to be captured in heating, I can honestly say that with Pickles on my lap, I felt a good 10 degrees or so warmer.  I was astounded at the heat production and still can’t find where the battery compartment is located.

So, there you have it SCBWI confreres.  We highly recommend the Desk Cat for writers as the latest desk accessory that will add pleasure and style to your working environment.


  1. Sounds great. Do they have a hypoallergenic model?

    1. No, but did I mention the relaxing 'whirring' sound...puts me to sleep in minutes!

  2. I have three. Definitely worth the price! Just watch out for hairballs...

    1. I understand that next year's model, Waffles, will come equipped with an automatic hairball dislodger...hmmmmm.

  3. Not to be outdone, but I have 4, of course, there is really only one allowed on the desk at a time. And my oldest model prefers the actual laptop keyboard, thereby enhancing my writing pleasure no end (or beginning or middle). True love in a furry purring mound.

    1. Yes, if Pickles spent any more time 'on the keys', he'd be Dorothy Parker.

  4. At least you don't need to feed it - although I don't actually have a real one.

    1. Rosemary--Did we mention that everyone who leaves a comment here receives a "Desk Cat" as a complimentary gift? We sent you the 'Gherkin' model. Enjoy!

  5. Hey, if I didn't have my own, real live desk cat, I'd get one! The only malfunction with my desk cat is that he demands attention, walks on my computer and has to be fed. Otherwise, he's purrrfect for the job!

    1. Good News Nancy! Cat in a Box, Inc. now makes an accessory for your Desk Cat's tiny little paws so that when he walks on your keyboard an actual publishable story is produced! Pickles may get his manuscript published before I do.

  6. An Australia company is beta-testing a Desk Koala. Koalas like to bite and scratch. Results are not promising.
    Bruce Bruce

    1. Dear Bruce squared--As long as they don't go for the possum, democracy is still safe.

  7. Wow what a fabulous post.I am impressed from it.can you more share with me.I will come back as soon.

    Thanks for more info..........



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