By yeah, you guessed it, me, sleeping like a baby.
(No photo available of the current me, sleeping selfies are not a thing yet).
by Hilde Garcia
One of my biggest struggles is coming up with a blog idea consistently that won't bore my readers. Last night, I stared and stared at the screen, daring it to talk to me, checking my email constantly, wishing someone would send me an email so I could do something other than write, and I just woke up… holding my computer… without a post.
Monday morning. I missed my deadline.
Hmmm. There has got to be an easier way. I need some transformation.
What do you do when you are just not feeling it? When you just feel like it's futile to even try?
Google it. (It needs to be a new verb in the dictionary).
So I did. I typed in "quick ideas for writing a blog post."
And Google came up with 176 million links!
I was more than a bit scared. Truly, that much on how to write a blog? Oy vey. And why didn't I do this sooner? Am I that disconnected with the technology world that I didn't think to use the resources all around me? So many ideas? No idea where to start!
The truth is, I feel much like a fraud. Why should I give anyone advice on anything about writing? I am not published. I have no claim to fame. I don't even have an agent, someone who thinks I will eventually be a published writer, but here I am, dutifully giving some type of advice or sharing something "interesting" every three weeks with everyone and anyone who stops at our blog.

When I grow up, I want to be her!
But truly, I think the conversation goes deeper than that. It goes to the core of who I think I am as a writer. And I tie the act of writing with the success of writing and truly, they are two different facets of the same thing. But when I write, I worry about how I will come across, what will people say, will anyone think I am worth the read? And I stop believing that I am a writer.
I should just write.
But I don't.
However, it is never to late to start a new year's resolution, and lucky for me it's only February, so I have a whole lot of year left. So I have a plan.
Here are the first ten links of the 176 million links Google found on "how to write a quick blog post". I am going to go to each link and explore… and try each tip. And I will share with fellow writers how it felt or what I learned in hopes that someone feeling rather "fraudish" can find his/her way too.
A place to start. A plan. I'll take it!
Happy Valentine's Day Weekend.
May you love everything you write or at the very least the road you took to get there.
How to Brainstorm and Write an Epic Blog Post in 4 Simple
20 Quick Tips on Writing Great Blog Posts | Darren Rowse ...
How I Write 8 Blog Posts a Week While Running 2 Companies
Jun 30, 2014 - It works so well that I write eight blog posts a week. ..... I keep a document of blog post ideas and links to great posts as I'm reading on the ..... I'd also like to share a technique that I use to write REALLY FAST and effectively.101 Fabulous Blog Topic Ideas | Molly Greene: Writer
How to Write a Blog Post Outline: A Simple Formula to Follow
HubSpot, Inc.
How to write blog posts faster with an outline – Simple Writing
You need to write a blog post fast, and it's got to be good. ... To keep ideas handy, create a list for every possibility that pops into your head at random moments.The Secret to Writing On Your Blog Every Day
Any time you have an idea, either for your novel or your blog, write it down in a place you can find it, like your ... This post puts it across in a nice simple post prompts & ideas on Pinterest | 122 Pins
Pins about blog post prompts & ideas hand-picked by Pinner Barbara (Olyve) Harvie | See more about writers block, writing prompts and blog. ... My Simple Method for Coming Up With Original Content. Pin it. Like ...101 Blog Post Ideas That Will Make Your Blog "HOT"
Jan 23, 2015 - Want to know what other people prefer or think about a certain topic? Start a poll to get quick overview. #35 Write a post about things you regret ...10 Easy Blog Post Ideas To Fill Your Editorial Calendar
Mar 17, 2014 - Coming up with blog post ideas to fill up your editorial calendar ... It's just a matter of how to approach writing about those topics. ... Interviews in person are a bit different than via email, but there are some basic similarities.
Hilde, are you still awake?
Sleepless in San Ramon