Monday, November 29, 2010

A Year of Spectacular Postings

Pen & Ink is One Year Old
...but only for TWO, count 'em TWO more days.
We know who you are.
Offer ends November 30th at the stroke of Midnight.

Photo by L. Fernandez

In honor of our anniversary, we are offering a Peer Review Critique! We build our email list. You get a critique of the first three pages of your current MS. Everybody wins.

We are not agents nor editors, we are writers, we understand how you feel. We know sometimes, a new pair of eyes works wonders.

In these tough economic times, it's nice to know that some things are still free!

This limited time offer begins November 1st and ends November 30th, 2010.
What kind of critique?
That depends on which one of us does the critique. We all have different strengths.
  • Hilde G. the quietest member of our group, will search for voice and help you strengthen it.
  • Lupe F. caresses characters, palpitates plots, and strokes styles. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Outcall Service Available.
  • Sue B. often swirls your thoughts around in her magic teapot and puts them in a new order.
  • Kris K., the picture book writer and sanest member of our group excels at logic problems, fact verification and all things grammatical.
  • Must be first three pages of your story.
  • One story per author.
  • Please do not submit unedited Nano Pages.
  • Submit to Put Critique request in the subject line.
  • Provide us with your name, email address, genre and a brief synopsis in an email and then attach your document.
Happy Writing!


  1. Dear Erica,
    Our middle name is Amazing. Our maiden name is Astonding. Our avatar name is Astonishing.
    The Management


We love hearing from you.