Anybody have an article, a story, a poem, a Puzzle or Rebus suitable for a children’s magazine? Here is a list of places where they might be accepted. Be sure and grab a copy of the magazine to check their style, before submitting.
Highlights Magazine
- Pays $150 per article or story.
- 500 words younger reader
- 800 words older reader
- Stories: 200 to 2,000 words (2 to 8 pages)
- Articles: 200 to 1,500 words (2 to 6 pages)
- Poems: not longer than 50 lines (1 page, 2 pages maximum)
- An exact word count should be noted on each manuscript submitted. For poetry, indicate number of lines instead. Word count includes every word, but does not include the title of the manuscript or the author's name.
- Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word
- Poems: up to $3.00 per line
- Payment upon publication
- Stories: 300 to 1,000 words
- Poems: not longer than 20 lines
- Articles: 300 to 800 words
- Puzzles/Activities/Games: 1 to 4 pages
- An exact word count should be noted on each manuscript submitted. Word count includes every word, but does not include the title of the manuscript or the author's name.
- Stories and articles: up to 25¢ per word (1,000 words maximum)
- Poems: up to $3.00 per line
- Payment upon publication
- Fiction: read-aloud stories, picture stories, original retellings of folk and fairy tales, multicultural stories. Length: up to 800 words.
- Rebuses: focus on concrete nouns. Length: up to 200 words.
- Nonfiction: concepts, vocabulary, simple explanations of things in a young child's world. Length: up to 400 words. (Be prepared to send backup materials and photo references—where applicable—upon request.)
- Poetry: rhythmic, rhyming; serious, humorous, active, from a child's perspective. Length: up to 20 lines.
- Other: imaginative activities, games, crafts, songs, and finger games. See back issues for types, formats, and length.
- An exact word count should be noted on each manuscript submitted. Word count includes every word, but does not include the title of the manuscript or the author's name.
- Stories and articles: 25¢ per word; $25 minimum
- Poems: $3.00 per line; $25 minimum
- Payment upon publication

- APPLESEEDS - general history and cultures (for ages 6-9)
- CALLIOPE - world history (for ages 9-14)
- COBBLESTONE - American history (for ages 9-14)
- DIG - archeology (for ages 9-14)
- FACES - world cultures and geography (for ages 9-14)
- ODYSSEY - science (for ages 9-14)
- Appleseed ages 8 and up
- Assume 150 words per page; payment approximately $50 per page
Their magazines are:
- Turtle age 3-5
- Humpty Dumpty age 5-7
- Jack and Jill age 8-12
- Turtle: up to 35¢ a word fiction — up to 350 words nonfiction — up to 200 words
- Humpty Dumpty: up to 35¢ a word fiction/nonfiction, up to 450 words
- Jack and Jill: up to 25¢ a word fiction/nonfiction, up to 700 words
- Poetry: $25 to $50
- Photos: $15.00 minimum
- Puzzles and games: $25 minimum
(they sent me this by email. You cannot find guidelines these on their website)
Submission Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in contributing to NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS, a monthly general-interest nonfiction magazine for 6 to 14-year-olds. NG KIDS' tagline is:
Dare to Explore. It's our mission to find fresh ways to entertain children while educating and exciting them about their world.
Submission Guidelines
What types of stories does NG KIDS publish?
NG KIDS stories cover a broad range of topics, including science, geography, history, and cultures from around the world. For our departments, we are looking for animal anecdotes and stories about endangered animals.What kinds of proposals is NG Kids looking for?
Although our staff generates most of our story ideas, we'd be delighted to hear from you about stories that have kid appeal.
Here are things to consider before pitching to NG Kids:
Entertainment story ideas must offer some behind-the-scenes perspective that is unusual and informational.How should one propose an idea?
Geography, archaeology, paleontology, and history story suggestions must answer the question, "What is fun about that?"Science and technology story ideas must answer the question, "How does this directly affect a kid's life?"
Natural history story ideas must be tightly focused and exciting. For example: Don't pitch a general story about cheetahs. Do pitch a story on how a cheetah's physical attributes make it the ultimate hunting machine.
For "Amazing Animals," we're looking for animals that have stories to tell about unusual abilities, animal heroes, friendships, or silly situations.
A carefully considered proposal should be based on a well-researched premise or hook. Do your homework and check the online NG KIDS index to be sure that your idea has not already been covered within the last three years. A good query is short and to the point (about 250 words). It should include a headline that suggests what the story is, a deck that amplifies the headline, a strong lead, and a paragraph that clearly sets out the premise and approach of the piece. The query should represent the style in which the piece will be written. We look for a writing style that's informed but speaks the reader's language and has a sense of humor. Tell us which area of the magazine your story fits into. Please include clips and a resume.Once you have the perfect idea, here's who to pitch to on the NG KIDS staff at:
1145 17th St. NW, Washington DC 20036
Science, technology, environment, natural history, and wildlife: Science Editor, Catherine Hughes.
Human interest, "Amazing Animals," and entertainment: Special Projects Editor Rachel Buchholz.
Cultural stories, “Wildlife Watch,” "Fun Stuff," geography, archaeology, paleontology, history: Senior Editor Robin Terry.
If you're not sure about which editor to pitch, send your query to Jill Yaworski and she'll forward it to the appropriate editor.
Any photographic queries should go to photo director Jay Sumner,
Please note that we cannot accept phone queries and we cannot acknowledge or return submissions. All submissions become property of the National Geographic Society, and rights therefore are transferred to the Society.Happy Writing
Thank you, Susan. What a well-researched informative post! I have a story idea for a children's magazine that's been simmering on my writing back burner for a few months now - this is a welcome prompt to do something about it.
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome, Megan. I started the research for a friend and then though other writers might be interested. Glad you liked it.
ReplyDeleteI'm a children's writer; thanks for this great information. I recently submitted to Spider and US Kids.
ReplyDeleteHi, Susan,
ReplyDeleteWow! What great information - and all in one place!
Thanks so much.
Thank you SO much! Great info.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for all this info, Susan. This is great!
ReplyDeleteThat was the Chinese reply. Here is the Japanese one
Tank you so much Karen, Suzanne, Donna and Nancy. I am glad you found the information helpful
ReplyDeleteSusan this is great. I hope you will let me link all this good stuff and pass it along
Thanks for sharing this, Susan. What a great resource.
Excellent list. Thank you for sharing this submission information.
ReplyDeleteThat's quite nice to post all of this information! Thanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of great information here. thank you for taking the time to put it together and sharing it with us. :)